
4 Affordable and Trusty Crypto Exchanges Ranked By Safety

While crypto can be an incredible way to increase your income, a shockingly large amount of money is lost due to crypto scams. Since 2021 alone, more than 46,000 people have said they lost over a 1 combined billion due to scammers.

It is statistics like this that often frighten novice investors. As a result, they turn away from the crypto market altogether. But it’s not all bad. Instead traders can focus on spotting the reputable exchanges. Through raising awareness on the topic, you too can become more vigilant and reap the benefits of crypto trading.

trading crypto

Today, we want to shed light on some of the best crypto exchanges and brokerage platforms available in 2023. That way, you can trade Bitcoin and other digital currencies stress-free. Moreover, we’ll give you tips on how to stay safe in the ever-growing crypto space. Let’s embark on this journey together and protect your assets in the best way possible!

Why Crypto Exchange Safety Is So Important

It’s crucial to grasp why choosing a safe crypto exchange is so important. Let’s say you end up joining an illicit crypto exchange. You don’t just risk your money – you also potentially expose a ton of private info that scammers can use against you. This means you also risk identity fraud and access to your bank account. So, when choosing an exchange, always consider the following factors:


Check user testimonials and reviews on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Is the website honest about its trading costs? Or do they sneak in some hidden withdrawal fees that you weren’t informed about? Overall, a trusty exchange will have a good track record.

Regulatory Compliance

Talk of crypto laws has been trending in 2023, and it’s wrong of investors to assume exchanges are not regulated. If you choose a centralised exchange, then there’s a pretty big guarantee that the website is regulated. This is good news. After all, exchanges can give traders the safety and security they deserve by complying with crypto laws.

Security Features

It’s important to familiarise yourself with the various features that prevent a security breach before joining any crypto exchange. Safety certificates, SSL encryption, two-factor or any other identity verification process are some of the staples of a secure site. Does your preferred trading site offer these features? That’s excellent news!

Insurance Coverage

When trading in the volatile crypto market, having insurance coverage can be a game changer. Should the site go bankrupt and lose all its money or backers, you will have the guarantee that an insurance will cover your digital assets.

You should aim to find a site that allows you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, all the while providing the above features. A little disclaimer – while having insurance on your digital currency holdings is ideal, it is rare that companies offer it. With all this in mind, let’s introduce you to the best cryptocurrency exchanges with unrivalled security.

The Top-Rated Crypto Exchanges and Brokerage Services

As you know by now, choosing a safe exchange is a must. Therefore, we decided to save you some time and introduce you to four sites that will not only make trading easier but also ultra-safe. Here are several cryptocurrency exchanges ranked alongside their most impactful safety features:

Platform Our Ranking Top Safety Features
Binance 9.9/10 AI Monitoring, 2FA, Biometric Login
Kraken 9.8/10 Master Key, GSL, 2FA
Coinbase 9.7/10 Coinbase Vault, SSL
Immediate Connect Club 9.7/10 User Verification, SSL

Please note that no site is ever perfect, therefore we will never give a 10/10 rating. 

1) Binance

When it comes to picking a popular and safe exchange for your crypto holdings, there’s hardly a trader out there who hasn’t heard of Binance. And it’s for a good reason, too! Binance has a spotless reputation and features cutting-edge security features.

They recently implemented AI monitoring into their system, which allows them to quickly spot any red flags in their system. Additionally, those who feel the need can store their crypto in a cold wallet as opposed to the built-in Binance wallet.

It’s great to see that such a popular crypto exchange offers this option. Of course, the site has other great features, such as biometric logins. And you can even set up exclusive notifications that let you know of any suspicious activity in your account.

Most prominent security features:

  • 2FA Authentication
  • AI Monitoring
  • Custom Notifications
  • Cold Storage Option

2) Kraken

Next, allow us to ask, are you a US-based trader? Then we’re sure you’ll love Kraken. Aside from the surprisingly low trading fees, the crypto exchange is also jam-packed with advanced safety tools. Kraken is big on KYC (Know Your Customer) processes. Furthermore, it is overseen by the company FINTRAC in Canada and FinCen in America. Both aim to fight terrorist funding and prevent money laundering.

Additionally, Kraken uses a GSL (Global Settings Lock), which works as an extra layer of protection should someone breach your profile security. It also stops any changes to your Kraken account. Finally, Kraken also has a unique Kraken Master Key, a type of password that stops unauthorised resets and changes to your account, should it ever be hacked.

Most prominent security features:

  • Kraken Master Key
  • Cold Storage Option
  • 2FA Authentication
  • GSL Protection

3) Coinbase

If you are looking for a safe multi-asset trading platform, then Coinbase is your best bet. You can buy and sell cryptocurrencies for fiat currency all in one place. You also don’t need to worry about security issues with the site’s special security tools. 

Yes, it has all the basics, like two-factor identification, but it also has some unique features specific to the platform. The Coinbase Vault enables you to cryptographically secure your crypto assets. 

Moreover, any withdrawals from that vault require several approvals from you before any of your holdings can leave the vault. When it comes to reliability, this cryptocurrency exchange really has it all, and with its competitive trading fees, we understand why it has over 43 million users worldwide.

Most prominent security features:

  • SSL Encryption
  • Coinbase Vault

4) Immediate Connect Club

Now that we have considered some of the top crypto exchanges let’s take a look at a site that’s a little different. Immediate Bitmasters is not a cryptocurrency exchange. Instead, it is a perfect option for both advanced traders and beginners looking to join the crypto space. The platform is a broker-matching site that makes trading crypto accessible to anyone.

If you realise that cryptocurrency exchanges are just far too complex for you, you can enjoy the guided assistance of a personal broker. They can help you buy and sell digital currencies and answer the myriad of questions you may have.


But what about security? You’d be happy to know the site uses state-of-the-art 128-bit SSL encryption, the same one that your bank would employ to protect your fiat currencies. Moreover, Immediate Connect Club goes out of its way to ensure that only verified customers join their community.

What does that mean exactly? Once you have filled in the registration form, you will be contacted over the phone to confirm your personal details. This extra security measure is in place to prevent any bots and scammers from endangering users.

Most prominent security features:

  • Unique User-Base Verification
  • SSL Encryption
  • Digital Certificate
  • Cold Storage Option

How To Safely Trade Crypto


All in all, we hope we managed to help you find the cryptocurrency exchange you need! We were aiming to tailor to both experienced crypto traders and newbies so anyone, no matter their level, can buy crypto. Lastly, allow us to leave you with some tips on staying safe when owning virtual currency:

  • Use Hardware Wallets: It turns out this is the safest crypto wallet type available. That’s why we featured the crypto exchanges that offer cold wallet solutions. “Cold wallets” is another name for “hardware wallets.” However, we would typically recommend these to more advanced crypto traders due to their complexity.
  • Initiate Regular Backups: Back up your crypto app and wallet to ensure that if something goes wrong, you will be prepared.
  • Be Wary of Scams: Continue to stay vigilant and carefully read your emails. Also, always take a closer look at the sender’s email address and compare it to that of the original website. Cryptocurrency traders should do their own research and not just on the current trending digital currency. Make sure to stay updated on the latest scams in the sector, too.
  • Double-Check Apps: Don’t just download crypto trading apps from any resource. Ensure that you install apps from official websites and stores. Moreover, the best crypto exchange will also offer regular app updates.

Final Thoughts

Finally, we hope we managed to introduce some top-notch websites to our readers! We urge you to give one of these platforms a chance and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with using secure websites!

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